Crop Nutrition
GPS soil test points determined by soil zones, survey maps, aerial photos and in field assessment
Comprehensive soil analysis (initial 2 depth package analyzing N, P, K, S, pH, O.M.CEC, base saturations & micros)
E.C field mapping as a base map for VR
Zonal soil sampling
Variable rate Rx writing
Manure nutrient management plans (AOPA)
Crop removal compared to soil nutrient level results
Fall & spring available soil moisture levels
Fertilizer recommendations
Tissue test (for in season diagnostics)
Crop Protection
Timely field scouting during peak times
Scouting report every field visit
Herbicide, insecticide and fungicide recommendations
Consideration of manufacturer programs for savings
Product performance investigations and follow up Herbicide residue management (Bioassay)
Resistance management
Crop diagnostics
Crop Planning & Record Keeping